Monday, August 12, 2013

Sixteen Sucks

I've been sixteen for almost two weeks and I'm surprised I haven't written a melodramatic teenage post about it yet...

...until now.

Truth was, being sixteen is overrated. My unhealthy obsession with movies and series re-runs has seemed to plant the idea in my subconscious that I'll wake up feeling like a new and improved person. In reality, I woke up to the crippling pain of a leg cramp from all the walking I've been doing for the past few weeks (which is thanks to the new city mayor who I might just want to punch in the throat).

The thought of being sixteen and being smack dab in the middle of puberty has always intrigued me. Isn't this supposed to be the part of my life where I suddenly wake up with a bodacious body and a guy throwing pebbles at my window? ...the answer is a big fat no.

I don't feel any more different than I did the day before my 16th birthday. I looked the same and I felt the same. It was just another crap day in two-thousand-suck. I've looked forward to what it feels like to hit the age of 16... and what could be better than to see your expectations crash and burn?

The glaring absence of interesting events in my life is stirring panic in me. What if I spend the last 3 years of being an official teenager without even experiencing half of the things I see in movies? What if I let those 3 years slip by without even going on spontaneous road trips and sneaking out to get Slurpees with friends and basically recreating 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins?

Maybe I am being a little too idealistic, but this wasn't entirely the picture I painted for myself. My life's like a bad sitcom. Maybe I'll end up on my ass in front of a laptop forever, accumulating dust. Plus, I find it uncomfortable how almost half of the teenage population is all about #livelife, but then there's the other half of the population whose idea of "YOLO" is to do dumb shit and call it living life to the fullest.

As far as action goes, maybe this is the most I'm gonna get -- whining on my blog. And while writing dramatic teenage rants seems to be something I'm good at, maybe my life will get interesting plot twists at some point when I least expect it. After all, that's what life's about.

Sure, it may not be perfect and it might seem like a total shitstorm at first, but I think odds are, I'm gonna stumble upon great things... and great people. Eventually.

Although I have to start embracing the idea that it may not be Jake Ryan waiting outside the church for me the day after my sixteenth birthday or John Bender pumping his fist in the air, but it will be something great, nonetheless. As much as I want John Hughes to direct my life, that was far from the reality I'm stuck with.

Fine, maybe 16 doesn't completely suck. There are, of course, a lot of nice bits and pieces. Admittedly, I'm a person who jumps to rash conclusions, but it's when I seem to be in an eternal dark vortex of doom. It's a little too early to tell ergo for the mean time, I'm gonna let fate work its magic and let things fall into place... which, frankly, might take a while

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