Sunday, June 22, 2014


So I've decided to give my blog a make-over! After leaving it idle for so long (I think it's been accumulating dust), I wanted to bring it back. I wasn't entirely sure where my blog was going the first time I put it up. My thoughts were scattered and I wasn't entirely set on whether I wanted it to be a personal one or more of a communal thing, plus I experienced a major writer's block partly because of laziness and partly because of what I assume might be fear. Still not exactly sure what I was afraid of, but I'm working on getting over it.

Because I feel like I've grown over the past year, I figured the previous appearance of my blog didn't suit me anymore so I went for the minimalist approach - less colors and more read-worthy content. It took me a couple of hours before I could finally let go of the old template. How can changing templates be so liberating yet so traumatizing at the same time?!

So while I'm here, I might as well give a few updates. 

I've been enjoying our Majors recently as I've never felt so much like a Communication Arts student before! I'm really being exposed to some incredibly intellectually-stimulating things and they've really been inspiring me. Although it requires some heavier-duty thinking, analyzing, and conceptualizing, it's a challenging experience I can't get enough of.

In over a month's time, I'll be turning 17 and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I feel like I've reached the age where there's no more fucking around and I've really got to pull myself together because being 17 entails a lot more responsibilities... and emotional stability. 

These past few months have been really productive and I plan on getting some poems done, and indulging in some more art because frankly, my academics are the point of which my world revolves around now. So I'm comping up with ideas for the next posts - a lot of words and stuff I've been meaning to share! 

Hooray I'm glad this is alive again!

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