Friday, May 31, 2013

First Week of College

The first 4 days of my stay in the university was an absolute blur. The really good kind. I knew what was coming. I was already prepared to be the "new kid" for the first time in 10 years. I was no longer in the comfort of my friends who I've been with for years, my school was no longer just a small scale one that wasn't even a kilometer away from my house. 

As much as I love the familiar, there's something about a whole new everyday life that excites me too.

I was excited to make a whole new set of friends, make new memories and take on new opportunities. I'm not usually one to welcome changes with open arms, but I'm trying to keep my perspective as positive as possible. And with the help of the fact that my parents are paying a shitload of money with their blood and sweat just so I can study in this prestigious school, it makes me even more determined to make my stay here as fruitful as possible.

The first few days were tricky, awkward, half in and half out. You never really know if you're supposed to make the first move or wait until they introduce themselves to you. But being the really loud person I am back in high school, I couldn't STAND awkward silences. 

I couldn't just sit there in a room full of people without opening my mouth every once in a while to say something. It just makes me fidgety and frustrated because I can't last a day without having to laugh at something with someone.

So I realized that if I wanted to make friends, I'd have to do my part too. And I did. And I don't at all regret it. I may come off really shy at first because it's really just my attempt to spare you my incredibly weird side. I'm pretty much just stalling until we get close enough until it's too late for you to escape my weird self. Haha. Not really... yeah, really.

Everyone was nice and jolly and enthusiastic. Which was reassuring because if there's one thing I hate about myself, it's feeling like I'm annoying someone. I didn't want to come off as the "clingy" friend nor the one who looks like they're too cool to socialize either. So everything was really about balancing them in a way.

The second day was when the fun started. The professor for our first course didn't show up within the first 30 minutes so we had our very first free cut. Yep, you heard me. We popped our free cut cherries only on the second day. Haha. It was scary at first because it wasn't something we were used to. In the end, we had a pretty fun first free cut. We stayed at the "American Room" in the 13th floor of Henry Sy.

Buildings don't usually have 13th floors which sort of creeped me out, but what the hell.

DAY 2! From left to right: Clarice, yours truly, Earl, Gabby, Carl and Sofia (taken from Aaron's phone)

Day 3! With Dianne, Aaron, Louise, Sofia and Carl (Taken from Aaron's phone)
We took a bunch of other photos, but I couldn't retrieve them. Haha. Blockmates didn't upload! [Weeps violently]. Nevertheless, they're really cool and funny people. It's never boring with them. 

I really wanna have the chance to develop a friendship with each of my 47 blockmates. It's quite unlikely, but I want to try to at least have conversations with them every now and then. Getting to know people is the best part for me, because you learn things from them and hear stories you've probably never heard of before. And it's a challenge to get to know someone, but there's definitely no rush.

As much as I want to elaborate further on my first week of college, my neighbors are playing really shitty music. Loudly. And it makes me wanna barge in there and shove them inside their stereo to see how they like it. It's not even the good kind of music! 

Long story short, I think I'm gonna have loads of fun. And this is definitely just the beginning!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ink and Paper

Because of my abnormal sleeping schedule and effed up body clock, I find it impossible to fall asleep before 11 in the evening. Which is a really bad and unhealthy practice especially now that the start of my classes is just right around the corner. 

But I've always been a nocturnal.

The daylight seems to always have put me on autopilot, on pause somehow. I can never get started on the things I want to right away because it always seems as if the couch is pulling me back down every time I try to stand up. I love the day time, don't get me wrong, but my brain feels idle when the sun's out. My brain hates the heat almost as much as I do.

Which is why I always study and do my homework past 6 in the afternoon because that's the time when I start to get into the "zone". When the sun comes down, my brain just jolts into full-on awareness and focus that it makes me giddy.

My best thoughts always come deep at night, too. When everything has settled down and not everyone's awake. My mind just blasts away and I'm convinced I can do anything I set my mind to. Except to solve math problems. I can never be good at that, daytime or nighttime. Let's get real.

 So I've had the habit of sleeping with a pen and my "thought notebook" just right above my head or on the shelf at the foot of my bed. Just in case I wouldn't get to sleep as soon as I expected to and I simply want to get something off my chest.

These are some of my "thoughts" last night that I scribbled down my thought notebook before I went to bed. 

10:54 p.m.
You're as close as you could be

like something within my reach.

Yet your absence haunts me

your voice echoes, not truly gone

your scent lingers and I'm not really alone.
The ghost of what used to be
and what should have been
is trapped within the walls of
"you could have" and
"but you didn't"
the sour words that tickle my tongue
the unspoken ones hung in the air
reaching out and stagnant
not moving, constantly still
You're miles away
but you're terrifyingly close.
You're as close as you could be
like something within my reach.
Only in my mind, maybe.
But that's good enough for me.

11:17 p.m.

It's hard to be a rose
in a basket full of tulips 

where the beauty of my petals
is shunned by my thorns.

i am feared to touch
and no one picks me up

so they opt for the tulips
with no walls to knock down

because a rose is too risky
to always have around. 

I think it's important to preserve your thoughts. I just think it's a great way to keep track of whatever it is that's been taking up so much space in your head. It personally makes me feel lighter and it's almost as good as talking to an old friend who understands. I like how it's just between me, a pen and a piece of paper. I could be pouring my heart out or telling the deepest secret I have and no one will ever know.

And through my thought notebook, I could just read my previous thoughts. Thoughts that I probably didn't share to anyone, yet inked in one of the pages of my notebook. It's basically like flipping through my mind which I find amusing. I could be thinking one thing, and the next I could just completely disagree. 

And I like how my thought notebook rests on a table in my room or occasionally on the shelf in the living room, unnoticed. The vault to my feelings and my unspoken words. I also like carrying it around, holding a part of me in my own two hands. 

Maybe I'm just weird and probably need to get out more, but there's something really special about the way my notebook is a home for my unspoken words.

I'll probably be sharing more of my written works in the future once I get over being too much of a wimp to let other people in on my mind. It's not like I'm gonna crack my skull open and let you rummage through my brain. I meant that more on the figurative side. ;)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


My fingers are throbbing and I have crazy eyes. My inner fangirl has once again gotten the best of me. Circuit Fest is just right around the corner and it's the perfect music festival to end any summer, particularly, my stinking summer. And here's where I get to the really bitter part of this story: I don't have tickets because as much as I wanted to pay for them myself, I don't have school allowance to save up anyway. It's summer, I'm broke and I'm stuck at home.

At first, I didn't even think it would bother me that much because I've missed a lot of concerts and a lot of my favorite bands and those frequent situations has lead me to believe that I've grown numb. But now that it seems I'm the only one who's not going, I'm sort of panicking. Misery loves company.

Let me just point out that the line up is flawless and to say that I love those bands is the understatement of the century. I've been listening to them for years. Some of them are coming back (and, by the way, I also missed their previous concerts) like Yellowcard, This Century, Mayday Parade, WATIC and A+D. And just the thought of missing them AGAIN is enough to make me want to throw myself off the second floor window.

Allstar Weekend, Before You Exit and Downtown Fiction are coming here for the first time ever. And I am going to miss them for the first time ever. 

I would've settled for To Rock tickets. Hell, I'd be really ecstatic if I got a hold of General Admission tickets. I just want at least one interesting and happy thing to happen in my entire summer. Is that too much to ask?

And like any other broke fangirl, I've resorted to, that's right, online contests.

I didn't join much because I'm a lazy fuck and most of them required "likes" from Facebook which I've had enough of. During the peak of my band phase (which happens to be last year) I've joined a number of contests, bugged a number of people to like my entry, desperately waited for a number of times and sobbed and weeped in a corner as I realized all my hard work went down the drain and I didn't win.

But because I'm broke. And peso-less. And desperate. THAT'S NOT GONNA STOP ME FROM ENTERING ANYWAY! (Even though I'm expecting heart aches and disappointments at the end of the tunnel.)

What the hell, I decided to give it one last shot tonight. Nick Automatic decided to hold a giveaway and they're giving away 1 VIP pass to Circuit Fest with 2 shirts. Who wouldn't want that, right? So this happened.

I hit tweet limit the same time I hit rock bottom. My fingers are sore, I can't feel my butt and all hope is gone. I'm just here blogging the pain away because I'm in twitter jail and I'm gonna have to wait another whole hour before I can start being annoying again. 

They're currently randomizing the tweets to pick winners for each round while I'm currently weeping and fighting the urge to roll on the ground. 

Why did I even get into this fandom? It is ruining my liiiiiiife. 

I'm going bonkers.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Roll The Windows Down!

What my sister would usually describe as "teen angst" songs, I call my "roll-the-windows-down" music. Because it is, after all, summer, I wanted to feel really upbeat through the incredibly hot days. And if I were to go on a really long road trip with friends on a sunny day, these albums would be my top pick to blast in the stereos. These albums are perfect for driving with the windows down, feeling the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. 

  1. The Wombats - A Guide to Love, Loss & Desperation

    The title of the album says it all. It's definitely a feel good album with songs that will pick you up. It's loud and fun and absolutely something you can dance to. When I recently made mixed CDs for my best friends, I loaded them up with songs from this album to kick start the summer vibes. This one's been on repeat and I'll probably only stop once I get tired of it... which is never.
  2. Dog Is Dead - Hands Down

    Although some of the songs are not as upbeat as the others, I like the vibe that this album gives off every time I listen to it. It just puts me in a really calm and happy state that I think I should be in more. They're also such an underrated band and with this much talent, they deserve to be heard more. I hate how there's so much talented musicians out there that go unnoticed and unrecognized for years. So I highly recommend that you give them a listen. Make your ears happy!
  3. The Kooks - Junk of The Heart

    The first track off of this album is my absolute favorite. I've only recently found out about this band and I definitely don't regret checking them out. It has an old school sound to it that I really love and despite it being rock and loud, it's not overwhelming to listen to if you want to just sit back and relax. It's light, catchy and fun. Definitely my summer favorite.

Indie rock seems to set the best atmosphere and it never fails to get me in a good mood. These songs aren't probably for everyone, so if you're one of the people who don't exactly agree with me, that's perfectly fine. We all have our own choice of music and if it makes you happy just like these albums make me happy, by all means, go for it. But it wouldn't really be so bad to try new music you might just end up loving! :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

LPEP 2k13 and Plunging into Unknown Waters

Like any other Froshies, it was mandatory to attend the LPEP as an official welcome to the university as well as an orientation. It was overwhelming as much as it was fun.

LPEP was a two-day activity that was out of my comfort zone. It is my beginning of finally opening up to things that I normally tend to avoid because I was officially stepping into the world of college. As scary as it sounds, I'm proud of how I managed to maneuver my way through the entire day without the company of my best friends. It was lonely and was definitely something I'm not used to, but I liked how independent it made me feel.

The first day was basically consisted of speeches, setting ground rules, getting-to-know-you activities and a campus tour. They arm you with the basic information you're going to need to survive the next 3 or 4 years of college. But of course, what they can't arm you with, are social skills.

"Just go out there and make new friends!"

Yeah, right. That was easier said than done. It's not like I have an attitude problem or intense awkwardness I couldn't handle, it's just you don't know what to expect out of every individual. Coming from a really small school in a small town, I've been with the same people for the last 10 years. I didn't switch schools, but there were new transfers every year. It wasn't hard to be friends with those transfers because they would usually just be 4 or 5 new kids. I didn't have to go through being "the new kid". I was always in the comfort of my friends that I've known all my life...

...until now.

Sure, it was easy to engage someone in a conversation, but the tricky part is to keep the conversation flowing. I was still testing the waters and I was choosing my questions really carefully. You wouldn't want to make the wrong impression. And first impressions are always critical.

After basically getting the names of everybody in my block, I didn't know where to go from there. Who do I sit with? Who do I make small talk with? Knowing me, I wouldn't last a day without cracking a joke or two, and it was difficult to keep it to myself since I don't know who to share it with... let alone, if they'll laugh at it.

So at lunch time, our whole block sits at a really long table that was enough to accommodate us. But unlike high school, I didn't exactly know where my place was. Being in that situation, I decided to make the most of it. I met a lot of interesting people, but most times I just sat there observing. I like to people-watch.

And most of them already had their circle of friends. I took comfort in the idea that they might have come from the same high school which also sort of bummed me out. I didn't know anyone and I was desperate for a familiar face.

We then had our block photos: a formal one and a "wacky" one.

(Aww, I personally love this one.)

To top things off, I had a fever. I was doing well the first few hours, but once we were in our respective classroom, I felt the flu coming down. Which sucked because it slowed me down for the rest of the day. I didn't have the energy to smile at all. Walk around, even. So I wasn't the best company that first day and I don't really blame anyone for not hanging out with me. I wouldn't want to that day either.

Before I went home, I went to Starbucks and met a whole other set of people there. This time, from different blocks and levels. It was interesting to plunge into a whole new scenery, a place filled with so many unfamiliar faces with names I have yet to collect. Being in a crowded place without really knowing anyone there makes me feel more alone than I am by myself in an empty room.

Strange, but exciting. Intimidating, but inviting.

The second day was a whole lot better especially since my fever went away and the activities were much more fun. We had games and I got to meet my other blockmates that I didn't meet the first day. And the Animo Party was definitely the highlight of the afternoon. I loved how everyone was so united and oozing school spirit. I couldn't help but stare in awe at all of us dancing and singing together and just thinking that this is going to be my family for the next 3 or 4 years now. Perhaps even longer.

And this was just the beginning.

So maybe it wasn't exactly what I'm used to, but I like the challenge of basically pressing the restart button on the context of friends, knowledge and experiences. I'm up to exposing myself to different opportunities as well as meeting amazing people.

Maybe it's not as easy as high school, but that's the point. I'm through with that, I'm on to the next level of life. The very intimidating make-it-or-break-it world of college. And why should I let it eat me alive when there are boundless of things I could experience the moment I open myself up to whatever this new chapter throws at me.

I know eventually I'll settle in and warm up to my new everyday routine and new friends. I know I'll look back to my first day of college and think "Err, man, that wasn't perfect, but I grew as a person, as an individual since that day."

So basically, after my two days of LPEP, I learned one vital thing in 2 words:

Open up.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Flower Child

Recently, the famous annual music and arts festival in California which is called Coachella, has successfully finished two phenomenal weekends. It was the best way to welcome the spring season as well as new fashion trends. There were a lot of celebrity sightings and I was really hooked on looking at Coachella photos for fashion ideas.

Cut-off shorts, crop tops, dip-dyed shirts -- it was all really eye-catching. But the one thing I really liked the most was the abundance of flowery patterns, designs and basically just flowers in general. 

A lot of celebrities were seen sporting different styles and combinations of flower crowns. Not only did I see it in Coachella, but also fashion sites like Lookbook. I was really into the way it can be paired with almost any outfit. It can either top chic-grunge outfits which I absolutely adore.

So I did some research as to what I'll need and how to make my own, the various combinations of the colors and kinds of flowers and what not. It took me a whole month before I could find the materials because there aren't really much art stores here that is accessible to me.

Either way, I did find the materials and I couldn't wait to get started. 

These are some nice kinds of flowers I've found and they come in small bundles. A bundle approximately costs 30 php, but of course it depends on the number and the size of the flowers. I also bought floral wires and floral tape. These are the basic materials you're going to need.

The floral wire I bought was really thin, and it wasn't the kind I was looking for but knowing I wouldn't find better alternatives, I went for it anyway. It wasn't enough to use just one wire so I decided to use the whole pack, twist them together and secure them with floral wire by wrapping it tightly around.

I measured the wire around my head and tried it on to see if it sits securely on my head. I then twisted the ends together and securing them again with floral tape. It's important to wrap it tightly so the wires won't poke your scalp when you're wearing it.

This is where the real fun starts! Come up with different ways of sequencing the flowers and how you want them to blend together. I tried various combinations on the table first before putting them on the actual crown to keep from damaging the stems. 

If you're happy with what your combination's going to be, start wrapping each flower carefully around the crown. Make sure to wrap the end tightly so it wouldn't stick to your scalp when it's sitting on your head. If you want extra security, wrap the edges with floral tape.

And this is what I came up with!

I love the dominant flowers -- the peachy, orangey ones and the white roses. Their colors really work together and remind me of summer and spring. I also added in filler flowers which are smaller red and white roses. There are also small gold flowers here and there and I think they all compliment each other.

It sort of sucks though that I wasn't able to find a brown floral wire because it would've added a touch of authenticity to the crown and it'd be much cuter sitting on my dark hair. But either way, I'm still happy with how it turned out.

And this is how it sits on my head!

I haven't had the chance to wear it out in public yet because I usually go out only to run errands. But I can't wait to wear it for the remaining days of Summer! It's the perfect way to get in touch with my feminine side without really having to be such a girly girl. Haha.

This was a good way to kill time and sort of let your flower-arranging skills shine. I'm glad our Home Economics teacher actually taught us flower arranging. I knew I was going to get to apply it someday somehow! 

Happy remaining-days-of-summer!

Taking on College: The First Chapter

Okay, the title isn't as dramatic as I intended it to be, I just wanted to point out that there's only a couple of days left before I face my College blockmates, a.k.a. the people I'll spending the next 4 years with, for the first time. And I have to make an impression. The good kind. 

A couple of days ago, on May 9th to be exact, I have officially enrolled in De La Salle University Manila for the first term in my first year. I will be taking up AB Communication Arts and I couldn't be happier. I've always wanted to be involved with Media, be it in writing, film-making or broadcasting. 

I'm beyond excited. And I couldn't help but feel anxious and scared. I would be stepping in a whole new world where nothing is as it used to be. It's pretty much like hitting the "reset" button. New friends, new classes, new school, new opportunities.

But being a hardcore realist, I couldn't stop myself from weighing both the positive and negative outcomes. And that is exactly what I'm planning to change. 

I enrolled by myself in the Henry Sy building and it wasn't at all complicated, they have all the instructions and steps laid out in front of you. You could also just ask the guards any time if you have any questions. I received my enrollment kit in Step 3 which looked like this: (Minus the bag)

I think it's obligatory for your College ID photo to look as horrifying as possible.

My ID literally only took 5-10 seconds of photographing. It was mandatory to have your hair down your back and I literally just threw my hair over my shoulders without even bothering to smooth it down. And don't get me started on my smile. You can actually feel the awkward.

I'm just sorry I'm gonna be stuck with this photo for the rest of my stay in La Salle. Talk about embarrassing.

I also got my student handbook which came along with the enrollment kit. With all the rules and regulations of a huge university, it was necessary that I get myself familiarized with at least the majority of them.

In addition to my student handbook, I finally got to see my schedule! It's really interesting because all of the subjects are new to me. I like that my classes start at 8 a.m. to give me enough time in the morning to prepare and get on the bus. My Tuesdays are going to be the really tricky ones since my last class ends at 5:30 which is usually the time where buses are a little too cozy with all the people stuffed in it.

My Fridays are off which is a good thing because it'd be like a long weekend for me for the rest of the school year. But I'm not planning on wasting it at home doing nothing when I can join different organizations and devote my free times there. I'd both be expanding my social life and my knowledge. It's a win-win situation!

But most of all, I am loving my Thursdays. Not only do I get to go home early, but the next day is my free time.

And since I basically have 2 hours of lunch everyday, I plan on meeting up with high school friends every now and then especially with Andrea and Shad. Shad happens to be my schoolmate and Andrea happens to study a couple of blocks away.

And right after I enrolled, my mom and I decided to go to The Store to get shirts for my everyday use as well as for LPEP.

Most of the shirts are a tad pricey, but it's definitely worth it because not only do I like the quality of the tees, but also its designs. I bought 3 shirts: a white one, a green one and a baseball tee that is both white and green. I'll be wearing the green one for my LPEP and it's definitely my favorite. I like the edge of the shirt because it's cut really differently and the sleeves can be buttoned up in case it gets really hot.

I even made a friend in the store. Her name's Karen and we both happened to be in the same college which was Liberal Arts. She'll be majoring in History and I found out that she's a huge fan of classics and refuses to read YA novels. I feel like she's missing out on the fun of reading YA's, but she said she likes British shows, which I do too.

After going our separate ways, my mom and I decided to go around the campus while waiting for my sister to finish her LAMB job with that day's LPEP.

That's basically my May 9th, and I told you it wasn't as dramatic as I intended it to be.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Television-Induced Desire for... Romance

I have to admit, I’ve watched a number of American television series for the last 2 years because it’s only been recently that I found them interesting. Well, maybe because 2 years ago I was 13, but that’s not entirely the point. Watching too much television in an unhealthy continuous marathon lead me to the realization to one of the missing aspects of a normal teenager’s life…. a love interest.
Of course, I did have one, one that I regret every time I think of it which is probably every minute, but that didn’t count. It wasn’t nearly as magical as I hoped it would be, but I couldn’t blame the boy. We were young and it was an act of impulse that none of us ever really thought of. And by that, I mean the consequences of having a first boyfriend behind your parents’ back. I couldn’t live with the guilt because it was slowly devouring me alive so I decided to end it. Not that I regret it.
Anyway, from the series and movies I’ve watched, I’ve learned it wasn’t hard to find the guy. He could just bump into you out of the blue and boom, the next thing you know, you’re lips are brushing against each other while standing on the porch. Or he had always been around you, waiting for a signal from you to see if you sense how he feels about you. That is, if you’re lucky enough to have a decent guy best friend, which in my case, I wasn’t.
There wasn’t much luck around me and truthfully, that’s always the issue because that’s where it starts. No one’s ever really looked at me for the first time with a sort of glow in his eyes and thought that I was the one. No one’s really considered me, at least not the first choice. No one has looked at me the way I see people look at each other in movies, like they could tell each other a story through their eyes that only they could understand.
I wanted that.
And I don’t where to begin. I could list down several things that are probably hindering with the fact that I don’t have a love interest. First, there’s my complete lack of allure. I’m not quite striking nor was I the cute, petite girl.
I was sailing in the middle, barely noticed. You’ll hardly look over your shoulder when I pass by. No head turner whatsoever. Second, there’s my humor that not everyone gets. Sometimes, I don’t get it myself, but most of the time I think I’m damn funny. I crack myself up most of time. But I can’t tell if I should be proud of that or worried. Third, is pretty much connected to the second. I’m painfully aware that I’m an odd person. I don’t appreciate what everybody does and vice versa. Fourth, I assume that I tend to intimidate guys from where I am. They seem to back off, some of them too uncomfortable to even say hello to me. It’s not as if I’m implying that I’m out of their league, but it’s that they’re acting like it.
I have this crazy thought that no teenage experience is complete without the luxury of calling someone your “boyfriend” or “girlfriend"; without having that one perfect kiss that makes your heart race and your toes curl; without sharing this look with someone special that makes you want to melt; without being able to smile to yourself just because… you know he’s yours and you’re his.
No matter how cliche it sounds, everyone dreams of it one way or another. I may not admit it out loud, but I desire these. I’m probably not eager to have a boyfriend, but I yearn for the feelings of having one. Those butterflies in your tummy, the smiles you can’t suppress when he’s around - a few of those perks of having a special someone is pleasing.
As much as I say I want one, I don’t wanna rush into things. Because if I ever do feel these things, I want to be sure that I share it with the right person. And I probably may never know if he’s really the one, but I guess that’s where your heart does its job. I want to take the matter slowly, taking baby steps, just to make sure everything was going the way it was supposed to be.
If there’s one thing I learned in TV series, it’s that the right person will always be able to wait… no matter how long it will be. I just hope for my sake that whoever this guy will be is willing enough to go through this.
So there you have it, the effects of watching too much American television and the delusions it brings me sometimes. Maybe I wasn’t deluded. Maybe it’s been at the back of my mind all along, but I never got the chance to ponder it until now. Rest assured, the moment these feelings kick in, I would just go with my instincts and trust that I’ve watched enough soap operas to get me through whatever love may throw me.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

On Rain and Tea

I spent the day indoors today (well there's a shock) mostly just watching movies and TV series and basically just being a lazy turd doing nothing to be productive. My last summer vacation before the dog-eat-dog world they call "College" didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it to... but I saw it coming.

What makes today special though, is the rain. After weeks of agonizing pizza-oven-weather, the sky has graced us with sweet, sweet rain. 

A lot of people hate the rain, I assume because it's wet and cold and dark and depressing; but I beg to differ. I always see a rainy day as a day to just step back and time seems to slow down and it just gives you an opportunity to sit and ponder on the things you usually don’t have time for.
I spent the afternoon drinking English tea with milk, Braso de Mercedes and watching Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging.
I really like the fact that I’m starting to get really into tea because I used to dread its scent and its taste. My dad would always save a small amount in his mug and make me drink it, but I’d always secretly gag and swallow anyway just to get him off my back.
But now I like to think I drink tea for the mere pleasure of it. (And it’s really sophisticated, if you ask me, which I could get a huge dose of)
I’m currently in love with Oolong tea as well as Black tea. They’re both incredibly refreshing and could go with either lemons or milk. 
I’ve been waiting for it to rain for weeks and now that it has, I guess I went a little overboard. There was just something comforting about staying in bed in your pajamas, wrapping yourself in blankets, sipping tea, watching movies and reading a book on a rainy day.

Everything seems to slow down and it's calmer. There's something about a dim sky that just makes me think. My best thoughts seem to be usually induced by rain and stillness and the silence. 

Popping My Blogspot Cherry

I'm perfectly fine having to blog on Tumblr, but its system has been malfunctioning a lot lately and as much as I want to stay there because that's where the majority of my posts are, I have decided to part ways with Tumblr... for the mean time.

Let's just say I'm no longer exclusive with Tumblr because I have decided to join the Blogspot bandwagon! ~Hooraaaay~ I've been hearing a lot of good feedback with this site lately and I really like its layout from the other blogs I see so I decided to give it a shot today.

This is my first post, so let me give you a heads up as to what you'll be coming across in my future posts:

  • Rants
  • Personal photos
  • ~Emotions and feelings~
  • Thoughts
  • Everyday activities
  • Important activities
  • Any activity at all (If I'm lucky)
  • Rants
  • More rants
  • More feelings
That's basically it, my life isn't that interesting to keep track of anyway. 

It's gonna take me a while to get used to buttons and what not on this site, but I've been really intrigued so far and I'm really keen on exploring and going all "WHAT DOES THIS BUTTON DO".

And in case it isn't obvious from my blog URL yet, this blog is dedicated to the ups and downs of a 15 year old girl who has a weird attachment to bands, books and pizza. 

Welcome to the chronicles of Rica.

(That's me.)