Saturday, May 11, 2013

On Rain and Tea

I spent the day indoors today (well there's a shock) mostly just watching movies and TV series and basically just being a lazy turd doing nothing to be productive. My last summer vacation before the dog-eat-dog world they call "College" didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it to... but I saw it coming.

What makes today special though, is the rain. After weeks of agonizing pizza-oven-weather, the sky has graced us with sweet, sweet rain. 

A lot of people hate the rain, I assume because it's wet and cold and dark and depressing; but I beg to differ. I always see a rainy day as a day to just step back and time seems to slow down and it just gives you an opportunity to sit and ponder on the things you usually don’t have time for.
I spent the afternoon drinking English tea with milk, Braso de Mercedes and watching Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging.
I really like the fact that I’m starting to get really into tea because I used to dread its scent and its taste. My dad would always save a small amount in his mug and make me drink it, but I’d always secretly gag and swallow anyway just to get him off my back.
But now I like to think I drink tea for the mere pleasure of it. (And it’s really sophisticated, if you ask me, which I could get a huge dose of)
I’m currently in love with Oolong tea as well as Black tea. They’re both incredibly refreshing and could go with either lemons or milk. 
I’ve been waiting for it to rain for weeks and now that it has, I guess I went a little overboard. There was just something comforting about staying in bed in your pajamas, wrapping yourself in blankets, sipping tea, watching movies and reading a book on a rainy day.

Everything seems to slow down and it's calmer. There's something about a dim sky that just makes me think. My best thoughts seem to be usually induced by rain and stillness and the silence. 

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